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Get 'R' Done Well Service

Get 'R' Done Well Service
34 Shady Oaks Drive
Luther OK
Booth: 4709

Company Description:

We are a water well service company located in Luther Oklahoma.We proudly serve most of Oklahoma. We are family owned and operated and been around since 2020. We also offer water treatments, test, softeners, UV lights to get you water up to par! We take pride in what we do to continue to serve your community with honest and reliable service.

Show Specials:

$99 system check when show special is mentioned plus we offer a military discount for active service members and retired military.

New Products

Consent pressure systems, UV light systems for bacteria removal,
Water softener and Iron filters sulfur filters etc., sediment filters for removal of sediment in water, we also offer whole house sediment filters for extremely dirty water.

Certifications & Awards

Pump installation DPC No 1039 OP No 2357

Product Images:


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